Wednesday, July 25, 2012

CrossFit Walter Reed Class 07242012

Class was held at our normal 1400 time in building 226. We had two participants; an above knee amputee (U.S. Army) and a bi-lateral hip disarticulation and left hand amputee (U.S.M.C.)


Press 3-3-3-3

AMRAP 10 Minutes
10 T2B
15 KB Swings (53#/35#)

Level II
AMRAP 10 Minutes
8 K2E
12 DB Swings (45#/30#)

Level III
AMRAP 10 Minutes
5 Pushups
10 Hang Knee Raises
15 DB Swings (35#/25#)

Our single AK warrior practiced his Overhead Press with a standard 45# bar focusing on the balance needed when at full extension at the top. For amputees, the loss of connection with the ground, even when both feet are firmly planted, can pose a problem with balance. This is exacerbated by holding weight over head while simultaneously trying to balance from the hip on on limb and the full limb on the other side.

Our bi-lateral hip disarticulation amputee was able to work on balance while pressing overhead. His prosthetic device for his arm physically clamps to the bar which limits his range of motion. Instead of the bar being in the rack position, we had to modify slightly so that the bar was roughly an inch off his chest. Additionally, he was able to press out starting with a blank 12# bar and working up to 42# bar. The only other variation to the standard press is that the bar, in the fully extended position is slightly forward of his ear/spinal base line. This was from the floor. When he performed the exercise from his chair, he was able to achieve the full range of motion.

To facilitate smooth operation of the WOD, we used one warrior's chair as a base for his DB swings (15#) but the rest of his movements were performed as prescribed.




Great work guys!

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